Relax and Rejuvinate

nectarusa candles

Nectar Bath Treats Eco-Friendly & Handmade Coconut Wax Candle Collection

Each candle has its own unique fragrance to ensure that these yummy aromas fill your home, office or bathroom with a delightful sent. The Coconut Wax Candle Collection comes in a glass jar and weighs 14oz. and lasts up to 50 hours. This great selection can make the perfect gift for that favorite someone or to treat yourself.
Scents: Vanilla Peppermint, Pinkberry Marmalade, Maple Sugar, Fruit Smoothie & Cotton Candy
MSRP: $40 each at
Nectar Bath Treats Affiliates: rewardStyle, Impact Radius and Skimlinks


N1o1 - 1st Anti-Aging Serum that Corrects Wrinkles at the Source of Aging. 

Renowned plastic surgeon Dr. Gregory Chernoff just had a clinical study published in the Journal of Surgery, showing its effectiveness for Aging Skin, Acne, Scars, and Wounds. Every study population demonstrated clinical improvement when using N1o1 Nitric Oxide Activating Serum!

  • The aging skin population saw a reduction in fine lines, wrinkles, pore size, and unwanted pigment with enhanced tone and texture of skin.
  • The acne population saw improved clarity of skin and up to an 84% reduction in pustules & nodules.
  • Patients in the scar therapy population saw softening of atrophic and hypertrophic scars, striae, and keloids.
    • Additionally, the wound healing population demonstrated faster and improved quality of healing. Patients in various wound healing scenarios saw less bruising and edema, while non-healing ulcers healed within 30-45 days.
To Read the Full Study: 4_Journal_Surgery_100_Patient_STUDY.pdf (
Before/ After Photos:
Where to Buy: $180 from